Human beings are social creatures. We reciprocate to signals of love and affection.
Perhaps, humanity has lost its way. The dehumanisation of man continues with every passing era. Cynical, isn't it?
The reckless ways that man has used to kill other human beings for his selfish desires begin from ancient times.
The selfish and cynical behaviour of humans started from ancient times to the beginning of the twentieth century.
The crucifixion of Jesus Christ was the first act of dehumanisation. In ancient Roman times, the capital punishment given to the slaves and criminals was crucifixion.
He was stripped of his clothes and led to Golgotha. He was offered a mixture of vinegar, gall and myrrh. The nails used as a useful tool becomes a securing weapon to cause pain and suffering.
Perhaps, as time passed new techniques and methods start to deteriorate the man kindness.
It was the beginning of wars; wars fought for the sake of the crown and honour with serenity. Referring to the Battle of the Tours, Battle of Hastings, Battle of Castillon fought for a throne made of stone.
How one's death is celebrated by the other?
The reality of war disgusts and anguishes my soul.
Kings and soldiers fighting prolonged battles dipped in blood and mud to annex small kingdoms.
I could hear only the voices of cannons, swords, bows and arrows, metal shields and the thumping of horses and elephant's feet on the battlefield.
The smell of gunpowder, stink of blood, charcoal, sulfur and the acrid decaying flesh of dead soldiers. I hear the screams of agony and despair of women and children.
Is this what we call to be human?
To be continued...
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